Nu look Play via YouTube OPEN IN APP NSFW Safe Is this playlist safe for work? platinum BE MORE 12 tracks | 13,799 1,508 | Stats Prince Ea Zondervan Publishing Charles Taylor epicmotivationmotivationalspeechworkout Liked Collect Share Edit Liked! Share this mix with friends: BE MORE
6 comments on BE MORE
LaraKiss24 May 17, 2020
⃠bonyboy April 19, 2019
While I think this is a good playlist and follows the "Be More" description, I'm not sure that it is a playlist that helps me "Find my happy place" mentioned in the playlist image.
⃠mandypoo1234 September 03, 2018
I absolutely needed this playlist. Thank you! I cannot say it enough
⃠sequelism January 02, 2017
this is amazing
⃠Nu look plus January 02, 2017
@sequelism thank you :) , Stay tuned for more.
⃠jeanettesesay December 28, 2016
Can you tell me the name of the song that talks about making yourself a victim when you complain? Thanks!
⃠Nu look plus December 29, 2016
@jeanettesesay it's called "Never the Victim by Your World Within" Thanks for listening :) anymore questions feel free to drop another comment.
⃠echinops December 27, 2016
Thank you.
⃠Nu look plus December 29, 2016
@echinops My pleasure:)