octobrien Play via YouTube OPEN IN APP NSFW Safe Is this playlist safe for work? platinum shipwrecks, lullabies 8 tracks | 7,598 1,051 | Stats Aidan Knight The Hush Sound Iron & Wine seaand other watery drowning feelingsand also love songs and stuffgo with it Liked Collect Share Edit Liked! Share this mix with friends: shipwrecks, lullabies
13 comments on shipwrecks, lullabies (View all)
Monsterkrake August 28, 2013
As a creature of the sea I naturally adore this mix. ;-D thanks for this awesome creation! :)
⃠withoutawitness plus April 04, 2013
this is my favourite mix :)
⃠octobrien May 21, 2013
thank you!
⃠lookingfornewferns March 07, 2013
This is really lovely.
⃠octobrien May 21, 2013
thanks, i'm so flattered you think so
⃠seafeather-ono March 04, 2013
this mix is perfect and the reason I got an 8tracks. never gets old.
⃠octobrien May 21, 2013
oh wow, thank you so much!
⃠eminelson January 24, 2013
I listen to this when I study or write a paper and it really helps me concentrate. I literally love every song on here. Thank you so much for making such a great mix!
⃠octobrien January 26, 2013
wow, this is such a huge compliment. thank you!
⃠junesoul January 03, 2013
such powerful images come to my mind while listening to this, thanks for the wonderful mix!
⃠octobrien January 26, 2013
aah, no thank you!
⃠tarawithroses December 11, 2012
this mix is perfect. thanks for giving us something so inspiring!
⃠octobrien January 26, 2013
I'm so glad you like it, thank you.
⃠vylinss November 23, 2012
much love**