This is the profile page to upload your playlist for the Ethan Frome final project, and to listen to the example Of Mice and Men playlist, which you will find below.

While you only need to provide five songs for your analysis, and write about five songs in your written component, 8tracks will make you upload 8 songs. The last three songs can be anything you want, so long as they are appropriate (i.e., nothing outrageous or explicit). They can correlate with your analysis, though you do not have to write about or explain them, or they can be three random songs.

Lastly, should you choose to listen to the playlist, I have included annotations with each song modeling how you might use songs to analyze and interpret text. You do not need to provide annotations to your playlist, as you will be providing the written component.

8tracks will ask you to upload cover art, and give your playlist a title and tags. Cover art and tags can be whatever you would like them to be. These will not be counted as part of your grade. Feel free to be creative with your title and description. Please include your last name and class period in one or the other.


Member since Apr 2014
