Is this playlist safe for work?

If you can't blow them away with your brilliance, baffle them with your bullshit


This playlist is a mix for me, about me. If you get a nerdy, NEET-esk, ever-so-slighty ironically douchey (and by ever-so-slightly, I mean majorly), and pessimistic vibe, then I have done a good job on this playlist.

Tracklist: http://emmerald-shadfast-arts.tumblr.com/post/155380481509/a-playlist-by-emmerald-shadfast-thanks-for

Oh, in case you're wondering about the cover, I'm Prussian. (Also, Italian, Spanish, and French, but I'm proudest of my Prussian blood, and also, it makes up almost 60% of my DNA.)

12 tracks
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