quassim Play via YouTube OPEN IN APP NSFW Safe Is this playlist safe for work? gold Across the Stars 8 tracks | 6,483 922 | Stats Thomas Woodring Gregory and the Hawk Meredith Godreau star warsanakin skywalkerpadme amidala Liked Collect Share Edit Liked! Share this mix with friends: Across the Stars
14 comments on Across the Stars (View all)
mytigerchild March 03, 2017
I've listened to this so much I am so in love with this
⃠justawanderingdragon February 25, 2016
I... I don't think any other playlist on this site has made me feel this much emotion. Wow.
⃠isabellemassie456 February 06, 2016
I loved the piano solo of Radioactive so much. I was like "Wait, is that Radioactive" and so it was, but just bett er. WOW.
⃠someone7 January 21, 2016
This is my boyfriend Anakin and this is his boyfriend Obi-wan
⃠sirrylot January 20, 2016
I was already dead by Your Song, but Can't Help Falling In Love literally just resurrected me and then murdered me all over. Holy Shit.
⃠YARIS49 January 17, 2016
I love it
⃠scrhaiser January 11, 2016
okay there's this part halfway through the first song where the violins? start playing this up trending thing that just hooked me
⃠marielalova67 January 08, 2016
It makes me want to cry :(( I love!!!! good work.