This is a mix to feed your mind with some good indie songs of Arctic Monkeys, Justice, Bastille, Alt-J and much more. Indies and hipsters are welcome in this mix, are 50 songs of pure enjoy for them.
This is a mix to feed your mind with some good indie songs of Arctic Monkeys, Justice, Bastille, Alt-J and much more. Indies and hipsters are welcome in this mix, are 50 songs of pure enjoy for them.
29 comments on Inhale, Exhale. (View all)
hittaz November 11, 2013
who is the guy on the cover? great mix btw
⃠Supeermeeeeeeeen October 14, 2013
love it!
⃠rosiii September 02, 2013
love the black keys
⃠rosiii September 02, 2013
⃠ritahaddad August 29, 2013
still my fav mix
⃠queenlunacy August 26, 2013
⃠wesleystos July 29, 2013
⃠rachelgore July 24, 2013
Great way to start it off. Love Arctic Monkeys. Great mix.