Hello 2015. You've done some cool things so far. These were the songs from 2014 that really got me off. Some are shamelessly uncool. Whatever. They're the ones I craved when I felt celebratory. They amplify a good mood. You're welcome.
Digging through the basement found a mix tape you made circa 1997 and remembered the Whatsit blog and found your 8-tracks handle and found myself here. Great accompaniment for today. thanks!
1 comment on 2015: Happy to be Here
Chaosgirl April 20, 2015
Digging through the basement found a mix tape you made circa 1997 and remembered the Whatsit blog and found your 8-tracks handle and found myself here. Great accompaniment for today. thanks!
⃠seroquel April 26, 2015
@Chaosgirl Hey! Thanks! Also, tell me who you are!