Is this playlist safe for work?

brighter than the stars

5 comments on brighter than the stars

This is perfect!!! I finally got to start playing GO a couple days ago, and have known for weeks now that I wanted to join Instinct. My playlist for my first Pokemon hunt starred Parade of Light's songs, so that intro on this playlist was fantastic. The inclusion of The Walker made me laugh. :)

I really love the songs so far but i can't get past 'work this body'? the playlist won't let me and blocks it? in any case I rly love this, been drawing happy stuff to it, nice job!!!

@lampagous Work this body should be the 9th and final song on the playlist. I've played through all the songs on here a few times and it seems to work on all the devices I've tried? I'm sorry it's not working for you!! I'm glad you like the rest of it though!
