12 comments on Whoever Brought Me Here Will Have To Take Me Home... by sidekick

I forgot how good your mixes are, thanks for reminding me!
And for the record, I'm still waiting, for the records...
These are my terms of demands!

ohoh, forgot about that deal, many sorries. I don't own that Milosh, I'm afraid. I can sub that with something else though. The others I'll do as soon as I can.

I miss that functionality and I think what makes it harder to stomach is that we had no engagement as to why. During the beautiful Moksha track and being completely disappeared by Her Words, I think it's keeping me grounded though. wow.

I hate how Her Words cuts like that, but I just couldn't leave it out on account of the ending. So, next work does not even work for plus members? You should at least get an explanation for your money. Hmph.
