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Wait for me to come home.


The first song is Dave's feelings then it's Bro and it alternates.

My cannon: Dave has a bunch of internal problems, ever since birth (and further on) he's been suffering with psychosis NOS, depression, ADHD, anxiety + bipolar disorders. thus making him take tons of medicine daily with frequent hospital visits (explaining the Daughter song which he is saying to himself rather than Bro,) but Bro's way of dealing with it was none at all. He couldn't handle it and he left to join the Army when Dave was seven and they have not seen each other since. Dave grew up with a nanny and when Bro came home, he got to see how bad it was. How bad Dave was.

"You can still be what you want to be. You've got a warm heart, you've got a beautiful brain, but it's disintegrating, from all the medicine."

10 tracks
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