60 comments on The Best Ending Ever by tvoap

Is this the end? .. No another great song, so this must be the end now! ... no another great, and another great, and another great :D

A handful of songs in and Jake Bugg started playing, instant new favourite person. Seriously though, this whole mix is amazing. Perfect for trying to write and just need something to keep you motivated in the background. <3

THANK YOU SO MUCH i really needed this it's the perfect soundtrack for writing and the length is AMAZING you are an angel

I'm listened only first 11 tracks now and already understood that this playlist is great! Thanks to you I have background music till the end of work day d^.^b

had no intention to leave any comment (and never do ) but when I was somewhere on the 90-100th song, could not resist. For sure the playlist is great (of course because our tastes coincide ;) but the playlist is really great :)
thanks for your time devoted to it
