’m an author who writes stuff. I’m a reader of books. I obsess about things to the point some people have called me a stalker of people and things. My current obsessions are my kids (Hint: parenting is difficult/weird/amazing), music most people don’t listen to, books, and writing.

I don’t dust. I hate making food but I LOVE recipes. I was accepted into an MFA creative writing program but instead invested that money into a bigger computer and paper and ink.

I’m the mother to three irresistible minions. I like to play the aggravating game of Guess What They’ll Be Like When They’re Older, but the dang things keep growing and changing and I don’t know what to think anymore. They don’t fit into one specific box, though. I’ve learned that much.

When I was little, I loved books but hated to read them. I’m envious when I read about someone who enjoyed classics as a child and could comprehend larger texts at a young age. Truth is, I was a non-reader (not illiterate by any means, but disinterested) until I hit my sophomore year in high school. No matter what people’s opinion is of Stephen King, he was the only one to pull me into the light. DOLORES CLAIBORNE was the first novel I ever finished. I was sixteen and it took me a month to read.

I’ve always loved to write, though. I wrote bad poetry, even worse fairy tales, and attempted my first novel after someone hurt me badly. Writing was purely therapeutic at that point, but when I got over it, I threw the writing away. I did not shelve it. I threw it away. It was horrible and full of hate that I really didn’t want to revisit.

I’m a former Coloradoan, Californian, and Oklahoman. Sometimes a little twang will come out when I’m not paying attention. Currently I reside in the “winter wonderland” (lies, I tell you) that is North Dakota. Freezing my behind off.
