Name: Millie

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Eye color: blue

Hair color: Brown

Skin Color: White

Birthday: October 2nd

Cultures: American, Native American, French Canadian, Iltalian, and Irish

Zodaic: Libra

Chinese Zodiac: Ox

Element: Air

Native American Totem: Raven

Celtic Zodiac: Ivy/Fairy

Favorite Movies: Dragonheart (1996), Disney Dinosaurs (2001), Rango (2011), and The Hobbit Trilolgy(2012, 2013, 2014),

Favorite TV shows: Gargoyles, TMNT, BBC Sherlock, Game of Thrones, and Dinotopia

Favorite Books: Dragon Rider, Temeraire series, E.D Baker frog princess series, And Bone Graphic Novels. and Fire of wings series

Likes: Dragons (fanstasy creatures), watching movies, reading, writing, singing, RP, Acting, Drawing, making crossovers, Demons, and other things you''ll know about me ^^.

TOP TAGS tmnt, smaug, panic! at the disco, Leonardo, Gargoyles

Member since Oct 2015
