9 comments on 그립다 by 123123q

I enjoyed all your playlists , follow me on instagram support my art ? @aesthetic17__ [double space at the end __ ]

so perfect for late night listening as you gaze out the window on a rainy evening with nothing to do and your feeling very mellow and maybe a little lost

I feel like I post too many comments on your playlists but I just can't go on without commenting on this! I freakin' love this, amazing job! you never fail to disappoint. happy holidays & lookin forward to you future playlists?

yes! I know it's xmas and all, but I was still really hoping you would publish a melancholic and blue-tinged playlist. thanks for this present :)

@pacia you're so welcome. im glad that someone else out there kinda feels the same way as i do hahah. holidays can be hard sometimes. appreciate the comment as always, pacia!
