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cus when you speak, you speak in waves


over an hour of feel good tracks for lazy summer days and midnight adventures

// i'd just like to say thank u so much bcus 2.1k followers?? THAT'S INSANE THANK YOU SO SO MUCH DUDES

14 tracks
9 comments on cus when you speak, you speak in waves (View all)

Thank you so much for featuring our song Smells Like Summer on this playlist! If you like our music it would mean the world to us if yo would follow our social media. You can check out the rest of our music on Soundcloud (www.soundcloud.com/earlyhours). You can also follow us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/earlyhoursofficial) or Twitter (@earlyhoursband) and Instagram (@earlyhoursofficial). Thank you for the love. X
