28 comments on The Best Rappers Are Not Famous by A2swag

this mix is sick! i love it. As for lupe, check out everything BESIDES lasers. He's the man, but Lasers is not. The album is a real let down. He even said it wasn't an album he liked, Atlantic wanted it out.

you might want to listen to Lupe's lasers too. I know he's mainstream but he's really anti-pop-culture. His message is pretty substantial. Though it is annoying that his message is similar to any other philanthropic (i guess that's a word?) celebrity, his concert (at the Hill Aud.) did present him as having the best and most sincere intentions. Check out this interview: http://www.complex.com/music/2011/02/interview-lupe-fiasco-hates-la...

nice album art haha. :) very nice. you're right, A2 kids do have the best taste. plus i'm a sucker for rap over disney ;)
