AffiloJetpack and AffiloBlueprint members have access to our AffiloTheme wordpress theme which consists of the Header Creator and Affiliate Redirects resources. AffiloJetpack and AffiloBlueprint members who host their internet sites on AffiloJetpack Lite Hosting and AffiloTheme Hosting, respectively, do not have to get the theme as it is instantly installed and activated for them.

AffiloJetpack members who opt to host their sites on Affilorama Premium Hosting or on a third party hosting service can get AffiloTheme from here.

AffiloBlueprint members can download AffiloTheme from right here. (Click the 'download' link below the "AffiloTheme hosting/download" section.)

Note: Both AffiloJetpack and AffiloBlueprint members should first log in to their Affilorama account to get the theme.


Member since Sep 2012
