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W O O H O O !!! Yo ArquistiDesign


H O L A (: My name is Arístides. 3 days ago occurred 1 of my big stages in Life: GRADUATION. Y e a y .-. I'm an 'Architect' now :D and today is My 22nd B - DAY WTF?! ha.
So.. This PLAYLIST contains my 'Personal M U S I C A L CRUSH Anthems' since 2008 that I had no idea I was becoming a Melomaniac!!!.. If you like this and even you are an INFP person [like me] THIS COULD BE C O O L.
E N J O Y!!! This is what I THINK, what I LIKE, what I AM .. | BΛSIC SPΛCE [Design Gets The Best Of Me]

45 tracks
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