So, decided to change my about me section cuz its been a while and just as we have gone into a new year, i have a new perspective on life and myself.

So what to say about me....well, i guess i might as well get the most obvious part out of the way...As i'm sure most of you know, i happen to be quite the fan of philosophy. I enjoy all the branches from metaphysics to epistemology to ethics and all the sub-branches in between. (I'm putting the rest of my philosophy stuff at the bottom in case it bores you.)

Other than philosophy, i enjoy spending time with friends and family, doing energy work and things of the like, listening to music, looking for self-realization, going on walks, pondering the nature of things, giving people advise, massages, making people feel better about themselves, hugging, telling people i love them, humbly changing my views for ones that i see better fit, watching movies and tv, going on dates, being happy and doing my best to be a good person and the best me i can be.

I consider myself to be an optimistic person leaning towards being a realist. i have a tendency to procrastinate until the last minute (although thats changing), I do my best to love everyone unconditionally, i consider myself to be deep, sensitive, intuitive, empathetic, loving, caring, feet planted firmly on the ground and head in the clouds, wondering, kind-natured, forgiving, trusting and trust-worhty, passive and an altogether good person. i'm not perfect by any means and i am far from striving to be, but i do my best to treat people with respect, equality, fairness, understanding and love.

Im always interested in meeting new people and developing new friendships. I'm excited to learn of new hobbies, cultures, ways of thinking and living and gaining new insight to myself, society and the world.

If you've read this far, you either really love me or have a lot of time on your hands (or both). Either way, thank you for taking some interest in me and taking time out of your day to get a little glimpse into who i consider myself to be. You are the reason i write this (also, partially narcissistically for myself, lol).

And now, the part you've all been waiting for, the philosophic part of my "About Me." Strap in! It's gonna be a long ride!

When it comes to philosophers, i kind of love them all. Even if i completely disagree with something one of them has said (which is extremely rare), i find myself falling in love with their minds. The way these philosophers think, searching for goodness and truth and wisdom and understanding and comprehension, it hits me at such a deep level. The fact that these people choose such a noble and humble path, seeking not to find ways to prove that their theories are correct, but instead seeking to find out what is true about the world, regardless of whether they are right or wrong, or if it benefits them, or if anyone agrees with them, simply to uncover truth for the sake of truth, goodness for the sake of goodness and wisdom for the sake of wisdom. These people are my heroes and who i hope to be someday.

So without further ado, i bring to you my personal list of philosophers, spiritual leaders, thinkers, theologians and the like who have inspired and influenced me in my life.

In order of who came to my mind first:

Socrates, Plato, Jesus Christ, Blaise Pascal, Friedrich Nietzsche, Rene Descartes, David Hume, Mahatma Gandhi, John Stuart Mill, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Baruch Spinoza, Gottfried Leibniz, Søren Kierkegaard, Timothy Leary, Christopher S. Hyatt, Albert Einstein, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Robert Anton Wilson, Bill Hicks, Maynard James Keenan, John Lennon, Steven Duncan, David Long, Ty Barnes, Phil Dotson, Olin & Gareth Gulsvig, Chris Hickey, Travis Peters, Anton LaVey, Siddh?rtha Gautama, The Dalai Lama, Thomas Aquinas, Augustine of Hippo, Yusuf Islam, John Locke, Francis Bacon, Alex Grey, John Armstrong, Albert Hoffman, Peter Singer, Jerry Springer, Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Aristotle, Mark Storey, Jeremy Bentham, Dennis Kucinich, Bradley Nowell, Eminem, Drew Carey, Immanuel Kant, John Paul Sartre, Bo Burnham, Charles Darwin, Michio Kaku, Richard Dawkins, Bill Nye, Isaac Newton, Carl Segan, Hunter S. Thompson, Martin Luther King Jr., Chuck Palahniuk, James Frey, John Stewart, Steven Colbert, Keanu Reeves, and many, many more.

And of course ME!

i don't subscribe to any one particular philosophy or religion or school of thought, but the ones i feel the closest to are probably Existentialism, Pantheism/Panentheism, Subjectivism, Anarchism, Agnosticism, Instrumentalism, Pragmatism, Skepticism and Nihilism, just to name a few.

My philosophy (in a nutshell [as it stands as of this particular moment {subject to change}]): Where to begin....??? I guess first and foremost I believe that I am God. What do I mean by that? Basically I believe that God is the summation of everything that exists. That the universe as a whole, including any and all things physical, metaphysical and any other types of being that may exist; including the infinite parallel and alternate universes that make up the multiverse if it exists; including everything from the infinitely huge to the infinitesimally small; including nothingness if it "exists"; including all of eternity; including every level of being and existence, every single thing that exists individually and everything that exists as a whole and even all things that do not exist is what makes up the sum totality of God. God is everything that exists, has existed, and ever will exist (and possibly everything that does not exist, has never existed and never will exist).

I believe that God is infinite and eternal, that every single "part" of God is infinite and eternal. Hypothetically, if one were to take away the "tiniest" part of God possible, that part would be equal to the whole of God because that part is infinite and eternal, just like the whole.

This universe is expanding infinitely and cannot be wholly conceived for it will always be greater than the conception one will attempt to have of it. Similarly, a single atom can be divided infinitely and never reach total nothingness, there will always be something smaller, smaller than any one could possibly conceive. This is the same with time. In eternity, time is infinitely divisible and infinitely multiplied.

I am a part of everything that exists. there is that which is infinitely greater than me and that which is infinitely lesser than me. And there is that which i am infinitely greater than and infinitely lesser than. I am a part of everything that has existed and ever will exist. There was eternity before me and there will be eternity after me. And there is eternity in my life now.

I am eternal and infinite.

I am all powerful. That is to say, I have the power to do all that is possible for me to do and is within my power.

I am all knowing. That is to say, i know all that is possible for me to know at this point in eternity.

I am present everywhere for I am a part of everything and everything is a part of me, existing everywhere at once.

I am perfectly good for in eternity everything than can happen will happen, and in fact, must happen. This means my existence is necessary. For if i did not exist as a part of everything that exists, then everything that exists as a whole could not exist, for an absence of my existence would be an absence of a part of existence, thereby eliminating the whole, for a whole could not exist without all its parts.

In this way, I and everything and everyone else that exists, individually and collectively, Am/Is/Are God.


Member since Nov 2011
