on November 22, 2016

The holidays (yes, ALL of them) are nearly upon us, and although we at 8tracks certainly look forward to the coming celebration of gluttony and consumerism friends and family, we can’t help but reflect wistfully upon the year that’s coming to a close--one that’s been exceptionally brutal to music fans and all the more so to the musicians themselves.

Honestly, we’ve lost too many this year to even count at this point! But fortunately, they’ve left behind a diverse legacy of absolutely incredible music for us to enjoy for years to come.

Speaking of years to come, bring on 2017 already!

Of course, there’s plenty of cause to celebrate, but let’s not forget to pour out a little gravy for our homies who’ve fallen along the way.

From all of us here at 8tracks, we wish you a happy and safe holiday season...especially if you’re a famous musician. In fact, if you’re reading this, and you happen to be a musician of even questionable popularity, probably best you don’t leave the house until the new year. It’s crazy out there!

Here are some playlists to keep you entertained while you take refuge:
