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The Fact Is You Don't Want To..


Still writing papers, solving equations calculating convective heat transfer coefficients or simply rocking the books? Here are 53 more tracks for you. Let's get shit done!

Remember: There is no rule on how to write. Sometimes it comes easily and perfectly; sometimes it's like drilling rock and then blasting it out with charges.

-Ernest Hemingway

52 tracks
42 comments on The Fact Is You Don't Want To.. (View all)

you absolute legend, I have been practicing that piece for so long on the piano, and had no idea where to find a recorded version :')

Really made my day. x

I really enjoyed this mix lots, but didn't quite appreciate the beginning of sky burial, gave me quite a shock.. Actually now that I think about it, it certainly woke me up hahah Not sure if you did that on purpose, but thanks I guess? I don't know. Mixed feelings about that tune. :P
