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Focus Guaranteed: My Ultimate Piano and Cello Study Playlist


A long playlist of some solo piano, solo cello and some of the two combined. Perfect focus music for a long night of studying. Enjoy, and good luck! Try listening to this with

Thanks for so many likes! You all have great taste in music :) Check out my other instrumental playlists if you want more study music!

21 tracks
469 comments on Focus Guaranteed: My Ultimate Piano and Cello Study Playlist (View all)

I've been listening to this playlist for years! With, it's my go-to for focusing when I need music that has no lyrics. Thank you for this. :)

Same as kasey,party below -- I've been listening to this playlist for five years now!! It started in university - I would tell my friends I was "retreating into my castle" to study, and I'd put on this playlist and because it helped me focus so much and made me feel like I was up high in some majestic castle tower on a dark rainy night haha. I listen to it regularly now, have learned about some new favorite songs from it, and play it at work when I really need that bump of motivation and focus!

Hahahahah it happened the same to me. Its been more than 4 years now... its such a fantastic compilation.

I have listened to this playlist for 4 years. It got me through my senior year of college and now when I'm stressed at work trying to get stuff done, I turn this playlist on and I can focus. Thank you for this playlist! It is seriously the best.
