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Gorgeous Movie Soundtracks Take 2


Whether you're studying, relaxing, sleeping, or just enjoy movie soundtracks like I do.. here's nineteen tracks including music by Aaron Zigman, Alan Silvestri and Barry Wordsworth/New Philharmonia Orchestra/New Queen's Hall Orchestra. These are songs that were created to force you to feel certain emotions. Embrace them.

16 tracks
16 comments on Gorgeous Movie Soundtracks Take 2 (View all)

I heard Master and Commander followed by Finding Nemo. It was as if I had jumped overboard into the ocean! Except we all know that clownfish don't live in the Caribbean ;)

Oh, oh of course. That's common knowledge. Also, did you know clownfish are funny? Have you heard the one about the mollusk and the sea cucumber?

This is actually really really fantastic.. I hadn't realized that I was listening to more than one song until I looked back and I had already listened to about 10. Each song plays so smoothly into the next!! Good job. I love it.

For some reason the link I used to download it looks really weird when I post it, but if you go to and search for Secretariat Soundtrack [2010]- Nick Glennie-Smith, the torrent I used comes up and it has Suite 1 and 2. :)

Thank you so much!! GREAT mixes..they've been playing in my car constantly for about a week and i'm only on number 3! :)

These are the tunes that make the emotional backbone to all movies. Just think, movies without music would be very dull indeed. Very good job betsyrae!

Thanks so much! I agree entirely. Music can definitely make or break a movie since it's necessary to evoke emotions.
