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Open, locks, whoever knocks


Oh well done! I commend your pains,

And every one shall share i' th' gains.

And now about the cauldron sing,

Like elves and fairies in a ring,

Enchanting all that you put in.

(Title and description from Macbeth, Act 4, Scene 1)

26 tracks
1 comment on Open, locks, whoever knocks

@extreme dinosaur Awesome, glad you liked it! I have another Halloween mix up too, with a very different vibe. Very old 50s bad B-movie Horror/Rock-a-billy thing. I made it for my brother and some friends one year and sent it out to them old school style (Actually on CDs lol. Even made covers!). I found all these old Halloween and horror radio and tv ads for movies, haunted houses, fright night theaters, etc. as well as dialog from old bad movies too. And spliced them all in between the songs. But the bad thing was, a lot of the old sound clips were in mono. And it sounded weird to have stereo songs and mono clips together, too uneven when you're listening to the whole thing. So I took all the newer songs like the Misfits and Siouxsie and the Banshees and actually made their audio mono thru editing software! I like to say it makes everything sound like its coming thru a drive-in movie speaker lol. Anyways, its an interesting experience if you're ever in the mood for it =D
