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Btrxz's It Happened Or VodkaTz&Coleslaw!?!

5 comments on Btrxz's It Happened Or VodkaTz&Coleslaw!?!

---- This 8trxR is a little too young to have been there in the eighties dancing to Model 500, awwww :/
(Why can you use apostrophs and I not? It chops off the beginning of my comment... )

I was not that hip to electronic in the mid 80 either I was hardcore and madcester sounds. I was not aware till the early 90's. Have seen Kevin S spin & preform though

Haha! This so seamlessly followed @Sckelley's Burd that I didn't realise it was a new mix until I came by to check who made the 'Living on the Edge' track. Magic!
