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when nothing goes right.


Fuck everything. Judge me because I'm listening to dumb shit. I don't care. Nothing is going right anyway, because he is gone and it's either listen to a sappy playlist or listen to those voicemails he left me that I never deleted.

13 tracks
49 comments on when nothing goes right. (View all)

I was the same way hunny don't worry u will move on. If nothing brings u guys back together it's a sign that it wasn't supposed to be I'm so sorry. I was the same with my first love but a sign came that brought us back together bec we are supposed to be but it look a lot of heartbreak to get to where we are. U will find your forever

This is the best mix. I've played it waay too much. Lol. Thank you for making it!! You are awesome! This is just what I needed.
