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s̛y͞͏r͘͟u̴̧p̶̴͜y҉ ̛́s̡̢҉w̵e̕͝ȩ̸̢t


this way we can be together
make threats to switchblade lovers

OC playlist but ehh not so much anymore. enjoy the playlist tho
also notable that the Melanie mentioned in the tags is not Melanie Martinez if her music bothers you
ALSO the song by That Poppy is meant to cut off in the middle of the song. There's no full version

27 tracks
1 comment on s̛y͞͏r͘͟u̴̧p̶̴͜y҉ ̛́s̡̢҉w̵e̕͝ȩ̸̢t

I'm totally in love with this playlist. My app won't let me like it right now, but omg I'll definitely be listening again! I love the way it felt as if it got more and more intense! :)
