27 comments on Orphan Black Music (Season 1) by cloneclub

During episode 3- season 1, there was a melody that was playing in the background, during the scene that "beth" was looking through the window and contemplating if she should snatch her daughter from Ms. S...... does any one know what melody this is? (41:00)

OMG thank you!! I found the song I've been listening to the last few weeks. The ending of episode 10. Thank you so much. You cannot believe how happy I am now. Didn't know that's an official track. I'm crying. The time of rewinding that scene over and over again is finally ending.

THIS IS PERFECT, HONESTLY. I've been listening to Orphan Black fanmixes a lot but nothing will beat this, music from the actual show.

oh. I don't think I made myself clear lol.
what I meant was like character mixes, you know? it would be great to see what you'd come up with in terms of songs to each character, like songs that Cosima would listen to are very different from Allison. it would be just like Tatiana creating especific playlists to each one ;)
