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NOW That's What I Call OVERTIME!


The cheesy Overwatch album you never asked for.

EDIT: Added Doomfist and Moira since they came out after I originally published this.
EDIT 2: Added Wrecking Ball, Brigitte and Ashe! Ashe was so hard to do so I'm sorry I was lazy and grabbed nightcore. It's at least sorta catchy.
EDIT 3: Baptiste!!!

1. Ana
2. Widowmaker
3. Reinhardt
4. Zarya
5. Symmetra
6. Zenyatta
7. Genji
8. Hanzo
9. Torbjorn
10. Bastion
11. D.VA
12. Lucio
13. Orisa
14. Mercy
15. Pharah
16. Junkrat
17. Mei
18. Roadhog
19. McCree
20. Winston
22. Sombra
23. Reaper
24. Soldier: 76
25. Doomfist
26. Moira
27. Hammond (Wrecking Ball)
28. Brigitte
29. Ashe
30. Baptiste

30 tracks
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