27 comments on Chill Rap Mashups by CunningStunt

@i_am_a_fallen_angel sorry, I thought i'd replied to this already ^_^ I don't know the original source of the artwork as I found it on my computer in a folder called 'random crap'.

@CunningStunt Hahaha, It's okay, I just wanted the link so I could recreate the photo in a Sketch Book. Then, transfer it to my computer and animate it. I think I'm going to put a few more people in it though. I would like to find the original creator so, I can post my recreation to the internet, without having to worry about Copy Rights, Accused Scamming, and all that jazz. All that to say I will look into the photo more, and when I find out more I will let you know about it. ^_^

@patrickwalmsley No reason that I need the photo in High Def, I just want to recreate it and find the original so there are no worries about Copy Rights, Scamming, and things like that. But Thank You. ^_^
