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Into the Black Lodge

5 comments on Into the Black Lodge

By the way, I really like your mix. I am jsut getting into ambient music, starting with basics like Stars of the Lid, Harold Budd and Brian Eno. 8Tracks is great for broadening horizons.

Yeah, I think that's right. I guess I just can't bring myself to forgive David Lynch for stranding Cooper in the Black Lodge. I think ti is a very interesting plot twist, and not an innappropriate one, but to end it on that note is terrible!

after the killer was revealed in season 2, david lynch lost interest and became much less involved in the show. the quality of the show was deeply affected and people stopped watching.

Yeah, that's the explanation I got too - its just seems like such a waste - creating all those characters, and then a climax and then just leaving everyone in lurch as to what happened. Did all those people die in that bank explosion? Dumb.
