Miserere Mei, Deus.

I'm a full time student, but I give my time to the Choir of Christ Chapel, I Am We Are and Building Bridges.

My "interests" are trying to get closer to God. Also: following Nebraska football religiously, The Green Bay Packers regularly and Bayern München (soccer) as often as I remember.

If I could save one song in the world it would be this one: http://bit.ly/f64Ss5

If I could save one album in the world it would be Plans, by Death Cab for Cutie

If you are really curious about what music I listen to, czech out my last.fm: http://www.last.fm/user/D_Burn although I will enjoy just about any type of music.

I don't have a books section because it would take up to much space, Rudyard Kipling and Mark Twain are my two favorite authors though.

I'm Dan.

You figure out the rest.
