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almost but not quite: the best of the rest 2010 part 2


There was so much phreaking great music this year, I had to make a mix of all the awesome albums that didn't make it into my best of 2010.

Part 2, a little bass heavy. Twelve tracks from some of the almost-best albums of 2010. Featuring Actress, Lorn, and Eskmo.

(Ok, this is the last of my best of 2010 series. Enjoy!)

12 tracks
7 comments on almost but not quite: the best of the rest 2010 part 2

1/15/11 decided that I wasn't happy with the flow of the beginning of the mix and decided to rearrange the first four tracks. I think it flows much better now. enjoy.

wow, i have never heard bretagne before. it very much sounds like ratatat and glitch mob did a track together. i'll have to look into them. great stuff so far and i'm only three track in!

No kidding about so much awesome music in 2010, only wonder what 2011 will bring to our type of music! This is a solid mix and is being played right now through (8) 15" peavys 18" Sub JBL Dual 18" BASS cannon. You can really feel this one! Thanks! 5000 watts with kosmos seismic Quake, Thud, & XPANSE. whoa
