23 comments on Rebirth of the Killest by dj_dim-mak

8tracks needs realize that either they make us skip the songs as much as we want or the mixers need to realize they need to put the best within the top 3

well, that's not what 8trax is really all about. maybe you'd be happier with and automated music service like pandora or spotify or something. a mix is about flow and connections and making a sum greater than its parts. if you just want your favorite songs in the top 3, then its maybe not for you.

agree.. a mix is and should be something to be enjoyed as a whole. Although a nice hook traxx is not bad to get peoples attention :)

Thx God 4 Grrll Unit cuz that BBvs Who ever mashup was not killenist but boarder line Dullinest . Now back 2 love groovin the Grrl Unit!!! POW wash !!

U and UR verbosity in UR description is HIlllarryrUS! No wonder I call U DJ DIM WIt!! *pressing play* Funny thing is U usually Produce gods love U!!
