26 comments on Or Perhaps In Slytherin by dornröschens

This playlist just got me on the point... Classic and Slytherin are the perfect matches, I can't relate any other house with such sophisticated spirit, perhaps Ravenclaw, but I'm still being a proud Slytherin.

I absolutely adore this mix. It's one of my all time favourites and I listen to it at least once a week! I think it magnificently captures all the Slytherin atmosphere, and it really makes me smile. Good job and thank you for making this wonderful mix! ^^

I've recently taken the house test again, and guess what, I'm a Slytherin! xD It's a big change from Gryffindor, that's for sure! Nontheless, I love the playlist

Tiff hiiiii its Keer here :) i feel so much house pride listening to this btw and the whole thing sort of invokes that "cunning-i-know-more-than-you" smirk that Slytherin's usually have haha

These HP Fanmixes are phenomenal. All of them rightly capture the essence of their respective houses. As a Slytherin, I have to say, this playlist is flawless.
