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Part One: Springtime Hurts Our Feelings

5 comments on Part One: Springtime Hurts Our Feelings

I'm a nice guy. So, I usually say nice things to people. This presents a difficulty when someone is exceptional, as it can be hard to distinguish - but I'm gonna trust you can trust me when I say - holy crap. I love the sketches, I love the photos, I love it all. You have an incredible eye and make awesome stuff. I am envious of your creation ability. Not only the creative gifts, but especially the amount of quality output. Fantastic!

How's the house coming?

Thanks again.

For work: I keep a pretty constant stream of print and web design from a handful of clients.

For non work: Photography with toy cameras, trying to get back to more drawing and remodeling my house.


Completely agreed on the Justin Vernon. Can't wait for the new Bon Iver.

Please don't delete the blog. It'd be a shame if an earnest compliment caused such a thing. Though I suck at design, I read a lot about it, and your writing was clear and beautifully explained your ideas. I earnestly loved it and look forward to reading back further. You shifted to different things and that's awesome, but no need to burn the past.

What sort of stuff are you making these days?

Thanks Robb. I'm still obsessing over the Justin Vernon portion of Hadestown, but the whole thing seems well crafted, conceptualized, and collaborated.

Thanks for your encouragement/call-out on the blog. Very true about the use of "recent." I stay busy with design work, and I'm trying to do more things with my hands. I don't like spending extra time on the blog. I should probably make easier posts or just take it down.

The other day, Spring Time looked at my attire and was all like "Robb, you know, all styles are good except the tiresome kind."

I changed my clothes, but I can't change those tears I cried.

(PS. Thank God someone else is listening to Hadestown. So good, and so much work, and people seem to have meh'd all over it! Also - I'd never heard of The Sand Band - big thanks! The Album Leaf once wore a t-shirt I had printed! Random quips and anecdotes about your songs!)

(PPS. Thanks for the follow!)

(PPPS (is that how you do that? I get lost after the second P) Your design work is fantastic. Seriously. I love all of it. Especially love your logos. Also: you need to blog more. The 2 most recent posts were amazing and educational for a non-designer, but I am stretching the very limits of the word recent.) That end parenthetical was from all the way back at the beginning of this point.
