Whats up guys, I'm a capricorn with an extreme ENTP personality!! Totally have an awesome german shepherd/lab mix that I love greatly!!

I'm generally outgoing and usually spontaneous. Typically easy going, and can be opinionated on virtually anything. I definitely enjoy the good things in life, like: Peppermint Mocha or Carmel Frappuccino (mmmmmmmmmm), road trips, a clean beach with great waves, most sports, good food, house parties, deep conversations with good friends, movie theaters, a clear night sky, campfires, a well-brewed beer, a cozy cabin on a cold winters night, dancing (pretty much all kinds), and great music that just makes you want to sing every line as loud as possible, great movies that make you think, tasteful art, witty humor, and people that have a passion for life

Think that pretty much sums me up


Member since Nov 2011
