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drives before sunrise


i regularly hop in the car at 4:30 am to go to work, so here's a little early morning commute playlist. chill enough to keep from jolting you awake, yet upbeat enough to keep you from falling asleep at the wheel.

10 tracks
4 comments on drives before sunrise

I've enjoyed this playlist, but I've come across a familiar problem that some of these song have lyrics. Does "instrumental" in the tags mean something else than "lyric-less" or does a tag only suggests most of the content where some break the grid.

sorry for the confusion- i used the tag "instrumental" to indicate the presence of instrumental tracks, though obviously some do not fall under that category given their lyrics. i used it much in the same vein as the tag "indie" above- i wouldn't classify every song on the mix indie, but there are quite a few present. i'm glad you enjoyed it though!
