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Clarence Parsleybottom, (better known to himself as "Stabby") had reached his limit. The big jamboree was coming up, and he needed knot-tying rope. Having no moneys, but a thirst for rope, Stabby decided to rob a liquor store. Did I mention Clarence had a number of brain chemical disorders? Well, he did. Anyway, with the support of a number of brain-chemical-disorder voices, either positively or negatively reinforcing his plan, he walked into the store, pulled out his trusty knife, and said to the clerk "Here, hold this knife for me, will you? IN YOUR CHEST!" He later awarded himself the Stabbing merit badge and drank purple Mad Dog.
Part 2 here:

20 tracks
10 comments on Stabby's Plan. (View all)

Guess I need to hear the 1 st. part of the story. I rarely ever miss one of your mixes and this is one of them.
