10 comments on My 100th Playlist-Birthday! by exorcist

You have a beautiful soul, my mad friend. She's a VERY lucky lassie, whoever she is… MASSIVE KUDOS AND RESPECT for turning your life around. I WISH I could do the same with mine but, sadly, I'm FAR TOO AUTISTIC - HOW autistic…? Well, FAR TOO MUCH for other autistic bods, THAT'S for sure. Much love and all the best, matey-dude. X❤X

Where's ya whippet…?! Don't ya know it's an unwritten law that, if ya wear a flat-cap, ya've gotta have a whippet…?! I'm from Yorkshire, an' we invented that law. Ya should just have a whippet anyway - they're just fuckin' AWESOME! X❤X

Congratulations man, many have been there but only a few have make it back! so enjoy, have fun, fild you life with all the good things in the wolrd (especialty women and beer) and keep on it!
PS, keep the MELODIC DEATH METAL coming!
nedd more mixes!

Good times, doll! Congrats on all the growth. Found you about a year ago, I suppose? You've been unknowingly (and pretty much constantly) underscoring my life ever since. Keep up the phenomenal work. You've got fans in me and mine.

Well thank you, i'm glad someone is enjoying them. Ill try to keep making acceptable picks to put in my wonky little conglomerations of tunes.
