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My Cup of Tea


Just a mix of songs I made quite spontaneously. Not sure why I made this. Probably had that someone on my mind.

You're my own little cup of tea. :)

Nine tracks including music by Between The Trees, Copeland and Ingrid Michaelson.

8 tracks
5 comments on My Cup of Tea

@etherealskies hahaha yes thanks for being so nice to let me use that hahaha (Y)
@nashmellow yesss pipettes are kickass haha yeah been listening to alot of locksley lately thanks to you :D

I like this mix of yours best <3 Though you borrowed Spain, only because I let you, haha, and you beat me to putting up Someone Somewhere, apparently I uploaded that song to 8tracks so people like you could easily find it off the network. Hahah, not kidding. Goodstuff (Y)
