Is this playlist safe for work?

My 2017


There are much more comprehensive end-of-the-year new music retrospectives than this one. My goal was not to survey the breadth of music released this year, but rather share the new music that I found, held onto, and made memories with – each song is an opportunity to tell a little bit about my 2017. I have enjoyed finding music and making playlists for a long time, but this year in particular began with music for me – I got a job reviewing new music at the college radio station KWCW. I have very fond memories of finally getting to channel my otherwise casual pleasure listening to music into something more concrete. I hope to return to more of that work in the future and this little project is a first step in that direction!

22 tracks
1 comment on My 2017

Also sorry for the string of comments, but I just listened to HFTRR's The Navigator & to answer your question in the track note, I assume navigator is referring to god or faith (deduced from the first track).
