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change the channel on the sky

7 comments on change the channel on the sky

This playlist has defined a portion of my life. Literally I listen, and the memories of a time flow back. Thank you. I know it's been a while, but hot damn I love this shit. Keep groovin'.

oh nursing (she didn't go to sleep but the kids woke up!....I am so excited to leave here in 3 hours)....I have a plan. In a week I drive back to NC and if I get stuck Paul picks us up...YES!! What is this? Heavens to Purgatory? Is that a woman? A real female singing? I want my LCD back now.....been so long. Something about it gets into my head.

Damn it not working....shit fuck. I wonder if I will come back and delete every comment, nah. I am in here now. All safely tucked away. So easy to slide back inside myself now. I like it, nice clean bed, crisp sheets, blue sky above. Like after a long warm rainfall....add some stupid fucking Rainbows...I saw 2 the other day....showed them to Nine. ME -- Opening front door. Look up as I always do "Look look up everyone---look at the simplicity of life" I do. And there before me = 2 huge Rainbows. I called out the house. I went to find the Nine she just giggles like she does when I pick her up now. This huge huge Mike Greenwood grin (that is so funny and sweet)....and I have to say (louder each time) LOOK NINE...LOOK....Then I turn her head and she pauses. I know she is looking, not sure what she sees. I know it is different than what is swimming within my soul. I see all the colors, recite the poem of them in my head. The name. (I think perhaps it is a good name?) am just amazed. Sit and be nothing but the colors suddenly shooting across my universe. What is she thinking? What does she see? I see her pause, her head like yours trying to put pieces too much for her, but I know she sees something...
