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Back to Nature


We can never get enough nature on this green earth because of the demands society has placed on us. Do birds pay taxes or have jobs? Of course not. They simply exist as we do. Unless we take the time to appreciate the free world of peace and nature, what have we really achieved living on planet earth? Peace on Earth, and may these nature tracks help cleanse your soul.

13 tracks
7 comments on Back to Nature

This is one of my older play mixes, and I'm actually not sure as Mix stats generally tell you but these are rare nature sounds I would think a minimum of three hours. If you browse some of my more recent nature sounds mixes like SOUNDS OF SNOWSTORMS AND BLIZZARDS that play is 12+ hours long and many other newer mixes I actually list the total playing time in the Mix description. I hope that helps you.

How long is this playlist? I use it to keep my parakeet from feeling lonely when I am away. Does anyone know of other music that she may like?
