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exodus damage


this is criminally bad and a little glitchy in a couple parts but i just got sick of it being in my unfinished mixes. my intentions were to weave focus in and out between moralton and the puppington's but w/e

send me a message on tumblr (ciptochat.tumblr.com) if u have any questions or need to kno about tw's or anything

image taken from this post (http://themichlife.tumblr.com/post/45278003647) on tumblr by http://themichlife.tumblr.com/ and used w/o permission bc i am a weenie

16 tracks
1 comment on exodus damage

THIS MIX IS GREAT... parenthesis played and i was like "ah this is the top moral orel track on the mix" but busted heart is, damn

thank you!! it is much longer than i ever intended it to be and i think it suffers for that, but it was a lot of fun to make and i enjoyed it a lot c:
