20 comments on Ahhhhhhhhhh, the Majestic Cello by GR8FL

thanks leffi. funny that you should say this as I am working on a part 2 of a cello 8tracks mix. should be a couple more days at the most.

been missing you and your music. still trying to figure out where we can all end up. ɦǟքքʏ ɦǟʟʟօաɛɛռ

Will listen again as my "slowing down while getting ready for a good night's sleep" music. I need cello in my life a whole lot, and I especially love it in the late evening. Thanks!

thank you kindly. Ha-Yang Kim from Odd Appetite stated: “Cellists tend to be laid-back and cool. Besides, it’s a really gorgeous instrument” and was she ever right. Plan to put together more cello mixes in the future.

You can get Montana Skies directly to download in your choice of 320k MP3, FLAC, or just about any other format you could possibly desire for $5. I gave them more because they are kinda amazing. Main site is http://montanaskiesmusic.ning.com/ - just select downloads.

I love "hooray". Had no idea you also liked the cello - it is really an amazing instrument and so underrated. thank you. (btw - having blip withdrawals, but everytime I go there, I get even more frustrated with the dismal choices.)
