106 comments on Minimize distractions; maximize output by grave

For real this playlist has gotten me through basically every assignment this semester. I struggle to focus on writing essays these days and I'm very picky about what background noise is playing, but something about this playlist is just perfect! Thank you so much for creating it :)

@tonyb5417 Haha I appreciate your concern but I'm not in school anymore! These study mixes are created because I understand the struggle and wish I'd found these when I was studying ;)

@HarmonicVibration Haha it was actually meant for the listeners;) because I found myself reading the comments below your mix instead of making math stuff ready. :D ...At least I should add that I love your mixes! :) Finals Grind is one of my favourite mixes as well as this one! (sry for bad english. 8tracks is so international so that you've got listeners all over the world!! :) )

@tonyb5417 Haha oh ok that makes sense. You don't have to apologize! I'm coming to Germany this summer and I can only hope everyone's English is as "bad" as yours. I love that people all over the world listen to the music I select. Best part of 8tracks. Good luck with studying Tony!

Less than 2 weeks to finish my thesis, this has been my perfect company...my cats, lots of coffee and this playlist are all i need to do a good work ;) !! THANKS SO MUCH!! :)))) ps. you have 2 others that are also great for writing!!

@macraft I'm so glad to hear they're helping you! I have a new one called Finals Grind that's quite similar to the 3 you've heard. Good luck with that thesis! It's so exciting that you're almost at the finish line! P.S. If you need some inspiration while you burn the midnight oil, check out Free Your Mind. It has vocals, but I promise it will invigorate you and get you back on track. Best wishes!

(a few more tracks in) I can't concentrate with this playlist as I feel like I want to get in front of somebody's baby grand and put on a show.. lol This is truly an awesome playlist.. my mood is in the right place... tranquility..

@jaymiemason Haha thanks Jaymie! I'm glad it got better as it went on. Have you had a chance to check out the newest one? It's called Finals Grind; I think you'll like it

Aw man, this is great! I usually work in "silence", but I can't get myself to focus today. The indie playlists that are rife through 8tracks, while great in their own right, just don't help me study. I like how chill this mix is. It's not oppressively happy, but it's definitely encouraging music.

@mashamixes Thank you so much for your kind words on both this & Reborn. Happy to see the mixes are well received. I've put up 2 new instrumentals since this one, Unlock Your Genius & Finals Grind. Would love to hear your feedback :)
