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60's Garage Rock Mix

1 comment on 60's Garage Rock Mix

Garage rock is a raw form of rock and roll that was first popular in the United States and Canada from about 1963 to 1967. During the 1960s, it was not recognized as a separate music genre and had no specific name. In the late 1970s, some rock critics retroactively identified it as an early incarnation of punk rock.

The term "garage rock" comes from the perception that many such performers were young and amateurish, and often rehearsed in a family garage. Some bands were made up of middle-class teenagers from the suburbs, but some were from rural or urban areas, while others were composed of professional musicians in their twenties.

Garage rock bands were generally influenced by those British "beat groups" with a harder, blues-based attack. Other influences were the folk-rock and surf rock.

(Source: Wikipedia)
