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Since the majority of us are in the midst of studying for finals and I am sure like me itching for the holiday break! I thought I would make a holiday instrumental to get you through those last few days! Enjoy :)

This playlist is included in an 8tracks official collection. Follow http://8tracks.com/themed-collections49 to find an amazing selection of similarly-themed playlists. Check out http://forums.8tracks.com/category/themed-collections if you'd like to participate in future collections.

15 tracks
3 comments on holiday [hol-i-dey]

Awesome playlist. :) So many "Christmas instrumental" playlists 1) aren't actually instrumental, 2) aren't actually Christmas songs, or 3) are really distracting instrumental interpretations of recent pop songs. This is exactly what I had in mind when I searched for instrumental Christmas songs :) Stuff like my mom used to play.

Absolutely love this playlist ! I love Christmas music but it's hard to study to with finals and everything. So this instrumental playlist is perfection, I have been looking for something like this for so long. So thank you!
