142 comments on All you have to do is cry. by haysquared

I was listening to this mix and my room mate came in telling me that Where I Stood by Missy Higgins was her break up song, without knowing I was listening to a break up mix. Good job.

This is incredible. Probably one of the most well rounded mixes I've heard on this site. It's definitely not crap, I assure you. :)

it's fine if people think this music is "crap," but for some it's a release of emotions and i find that most artists here aim to do that. and as of now, 615 people agree. so to the others who find this shit sucks, don't listen to it. :)

is also want to thank you for introducing me to william fitzsimmons. by far one of the most amazing and truly inspiring artists i have ever heard! chagned my life

Makes me remember things Idon't want to be reminded of; what I can't help but want to remember. There's something sadistic about listening to sad songs when you can't seem to smile hah! Thanks for the great mix =)
